PAT Testing and your responsibilities
“The Electricity at Works Act” highlights the importance of “maintenance and regular testing” of portable appliances. The Electricity at Works Act is also backed up by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. With these 2 documents, it clearly places a duty of care on the supplier of the portable equipment. It explains that the duty is placed on both the employee and employer. This is to ensure a safe place of work. Always ensure that records and electrical certificates are kept. This shows that you are carrying out your regular maintenance and testing of your portable appliances. This will help you should an accident arise under your duty of care.
It should be noted that a PAT Test certificate is required with most councils. When a private landlord is renting a furnished property. This is also becoming the case; with more insurance companies: as they look to make sure; most properties they are insuring are safe.
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Electricians carrying out PAT Testing should be fully qualified; they should also have passed their course over 3 years previous. It is recommended that PAT Testers should attend both courses. This also includes electricians who do meet the requirements.
PAT testing is a skill that can be done by most people; It is quite easy to learn. You must be over 18 to sit the courses; it is always good to have basic electrical knowledge.